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  • Welcome to Reception pupils and staying safe

    Thu 03 Sep 2020 Miss Bilton

    It is great to see almost everyone in school again today. The sun is shining so we can get outdoors more today. It is lovely to welcome our Reception pupils into school for their first day today too... you are all fabulous!


    If you are contacted by NHS Test and Trace please follow their instructions to self-isolate for 14 days and arrange for a test if the contacted person shows any of the symptoms of Covid-19. Please also inform school so that we can record this and it does not affect your child's attendance.


    Can I please also respectfully remind all parents and carers to not congregate near our school gate and to maintain social distancing when dropping off and collecting your children so that we can keep everyone as safe as possible and reduce the possibility of spreading any viruses. Thank you.

  • Hot lunch menu for the next two weeks

    Wed 02 Sep 2020 Miss Bilton

    The hot lunches at school look really tasty! We also have bread and fruit available during the day for children too. All schools were only sent the menu from catering services this afternoon so I apologise for letting you know today rather than in advance.

    The temporary menu for the next two weeks is as follows:


    WEEK 1


















    Jumbo pork or Quorn sausage in a finger roll served with chips & salad


    Margarita pizza

    served with baked potato wedges & salad


    Cheesy pasta served with garlic bread & salad


    Breaded chicken or Quorn wrap served with baked potato wedges & salad


    Fish finger sandwich or vegetable fingers served with chips & salad


    Fresh fruit or chocolate shortbread biscuit


    Fresh fruit or yoghurt


    Fresh fruit or

    fruit jelly


    Fresh fruit or strawberry delight


    Fresh fruit or

    oaty fruit crunch biscuit



    WEEK 2


















    Pork meatball & homemade tomato sauce pasta pot or Quorn Bolognese pasta pot served with garlic bread & salad



    Beef burger or vegetable burger in a bun served with chips & salad


    Margarita pizza

    served with baked potato wedges & salad


    Homemade tomato & herb pasta pot served with garlic bread & salad


    Fish finger sandwich or vegetable fingers served with chips & salad


    Fresh fruit or

    cornflake cookie



    Fresh fruit or strawberry delight


    Fresh fruit or

    fruit jelly


    Fresh fruit or yoghurt



    Fresh fruit or

    ginger biscuit


  • Welcome back

    Wed 02 Sep 2020 Miss Bilton

    It is lovely to welcome everyone back today and has been heart-warming to see so many friendships starting again. We have had a sea of smiling faces from children and staff this morning! I am amazed and proud at how quickly all pupils have settled and there is fun learning happening in all classes already.


    Thank you also to all parents and carers who have understood the need for staggered starts and finishes and have worked well with us to follow our new systems. These are in place to keep everyone as safe as possible. Doors will be open from 8:45am if you need to drop your child off earlier than their start time if you need to get to work. If you are not at work, please try to have your children here at their start time rather than too early if possible so they can go in with their class. At pick-up times at the end of the day please do not arrive too early as we need to maintain social distancing and we cannot congregate on the path. The classes will be released in the order shown below. Thank you.




    Children in each year group will attend with staggered start and finish times in the first instance but this will be reviewed in line with Government guidance. This will also help with keeping everyone socially distant on the school site and at the gate. Please can we remind parents and carers to not congregate on our school site or at the gate at any time. Any parent/carer not socially distancing may be refused further access to the school site.  It is important that families socially distance so we can prevent the spread of infection. Please can we ask you to drop off and pick up at the following times only so that classes are not mixing. 


    Nursery with Miss McFarlane and Mrs Kendall = 8:45am drop-off and 11:45am collection from the side walkway and EY quad area. 3:15pm finish for Nursery pupils accessing 30-hours provision. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


    Reception with Mrs Phillips and Mrs Young = 8:55am drop-off and 3:15pm collection from the side walkway and EY quad area. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


    Y1 with Miss Smith and Mrs Carr = 9:05am drop-off and 3:25pm collection from the green gate at the side walkway in front of school. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


    Y2 with Mrs Elliott and Miss Ainsley = 9:15am drop-off and 3:35pm collection from the KS1 support room. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


    Y3 with Mr Piper and Mrs Roberts = 8:45am drop-off and 3:15pm collection from the KS2 yard directly into the Y3 classroom. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


    Y4 with Miss Hancock and Mrs Jasper = 8:55am drop-off and 3:25pm collection from the KS2 yard. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


    Y5 with Miss Edokpayi and Mrs McMeekin = 9:05am drop-off and 3:35pm collection from the KS2 yard. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


    Y6 with Mr Chapman and Mrs McGinley = 9:15am drop-off and 3:45pm collection from the KS2 yard directly into the Y6 classroom. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


    For families with more than one child in school and those who are critical workers who need to get to work, TAs will be available in the classrooms from 8:45am to supervise any children who arrive earlier than their class time. However, children will not be able to be collected earlier than their allocated class finishing time because they must have their full teaching and learning time in school. This is a directive from the Government. 


    Any vulnerable parents can contact the Head Teacher to discretely arrange a different drop-off and pick-up time so your child can attend safely. 


  • If your child is unwell

    Wed 02 Sep 2020 Miss Bilton

    If your child is unwell they need to stay at home and you need to phone us to let us know the reason for your child's absence. 


    Anyone with coronavirus symptoms can get a test. If your child is showing the following symptoms they must stay at home and you need to book for them to have a test.

    Coronavirus symptoms are:

    • a high temperature
    • a new, continuous cough
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste


    If you are getting a test because you have symptoms, you and anyone you live with must stay at home until you get your result.


    You can book a test online at GOV.UK or call 119 to get a test if you have problems using the internet. 


    You can get a test for someone you live with if they have these symptoms. Do not get tests for people you live with who do not have these symptoms.


    If your child becomes unwell at school we will ask you to collect them and book a test if they show these symptoms. When you collect your child you must wait outside our main office and we will bring your child to you.


    Please email us at to let us know the result of the test. If it is positive they must isolate at home for 10 days and the rest of the household must self-isolate for 14 days. If the result is negative they can stay at home until they feel well. 

  • PE

    Tue 01 Sep 2020 Miss Bilton

    As we welcome children back to school tomorrow we have made some changes in school so that we can keep everyone as safe as possible. One way we can do this is by allowing children to come to school dressed in their PE kit on the days that they have PE. They will wear their PE kit all day and so can wear a hoodie or sweatshirt over the top to keep them warm. Many PE sessions will take place outside so I am also happy for them to wear plain, dark tracksuit bottoms for PE and keep their jumper on.


    On the days that they don't have PE they need to begin wearing their school uniform as soon as possible so that it helps to settle them back into a school routine quickly. We can be flexible with this until October to give you opportunities to buy new if necessary. We will also have some second-hand uniform to sell at low prices and will send more information later this week about when this will take place


    Each class will have PE on the following days every week and need to wear their PE kit all day (starting Monday 7th September):

    Year 1 - Wednesdays and Thursdays

    Year 2 - Tuesdays and Wednesdays

    Year 3 - Mondays and Fridays

    Year 4 - Wednesdays and Fridays

    Year 5 - Mondays and Thursdays

    Year 6 - Tuesdays and Wednesdays

