Currently 25% of primary schools in England have a Church foundation.
In Church of England schools, where pupils and staff come from all faiths and none, religious education (RE) is a highly valued academic subject that enables understanding of how religion and beliefs affect our lives. At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity and pupils also learn about other faiths and world views.
Church of England schools have Christian beliefs and values at their heart. This means that every child and adult associated with the school is not just important because they are members of the school but because they are seen as unique individuals within God's creation.
Church schools are as good as any other good school academically but you should feel that the way our school works is different and distinctive. That distinctive difference will be rooted in Christian values that affect the way everyone is respected.
Church of England schools are encouraged to:
Here at Wallsend St. Peter's C of E Primary School we follow the Church of England's Vision for Education, as we seek to be deeply Christian, serving the common good.
We focus on our character development, helping all pupils to aspire to be the best that they can be. Improving pupils' wellbeing through developing supportive relationships is important to us, ensuring that everyone is accepted and any diversity or differences are celebrated. Jesus offers life in all it's fullness and we reflect this in all of our decisions as a school community.