Remote education provision: information for parents/carers and pupils
Firstly I’d like to thank all parents, carers and pupils for your overwhelming support as we respond as quickly and efficiently as possible to the ever-changing information from the Government. All of our dedicated staff are committed to providing the best possible education for all children at our school and are in school full time teaching the bubbles of vulnerable children and those whose parents are critical workers and cannot keep their child at home. They are also working hard at providing remote learning for those learning at home while organising their own childcare, so thank you for your patience as we react and adapt our plans as information changes.
This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.
For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this information.
We appreciate that home learning is not easy for parents and carers to support with due to your own family and home commitments, so our intention is to help you with this as much as possible.
We will aim to have a range of learning activities, including online, independent tasks away from a computer and some active tasks for your children to complete. Each class will have age-appropriate learning and teachers will set what is best for their class, so you may expect it to look different from other classes and schools.
The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home
A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.
What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?
During the first day or two that your child is learning from home we will arrange with you for collection or delivery of your child’s Chromebook. These have been purchased by school in KS2 for your children to use and the Government will be providing additional Chromebooks which we will give to KS1 pupils to use. They will then access their learning via Google Classroom.
If your child is in KS1 we will arrange collection or delivery of learning packs for your child to complete independently and will put work online. This will be via Google Classroom. As soon as the promised devices being supplied to schools from the Government are sent to primary schools, these will be made available for KS1 pupils.
If your child is in Early Years we will arrange collection or delivery of learning packs and will share work online via Tapestry.
Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?
Once your child has their Chromebook or access via Google Classroom (all KS1 and KS2) they will complete learning tasks and access recorded lessons from their class teacher via Google Classroom. Learning tasks for your child to complete independently will also be sent via this platform.
The curriculum taught will be broadly the same as they would if they were in school as much as is possible. Work submitted will be responded to by the class teacher during working hours or when they are not teaching face-to-face in the classroom. As we have children in school and pupils learning remotely at home at the same time teachers have to balance their time to accommodate this, so thank you for your understanding.
Recorded lessons will be used more often than ‘live’ lessons because if it is recorded and posted on Google Classroom, they can watch it at the time that suits them best or watch it more than once if they need to. When our staff are modelling or explaining things on the recorded session this can be paused and replayed if your child needs this. Unfortunately live lessons do not do that, so these will not be used as often. This will also reduce the stress for you helping your child with their learning at home too.
We also consider the safeguarding implications as extremely important too and will continue to offer our full duty of care to every pupil learning in school and at home.
We would need to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, pupils at home will need to access Joe Wicks workout videos for PE lessons. These can be found on YouTube. Starting from Monday 11th January 2021 he will be doing live PE lessons for children at 9am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the national lockdown and these are free to access online. All previous PE lessons are available on his YouTube channel and can be accessed at any time that your child is learning from home.
If your child requires additional resources for art or DT we will be in touch in advance for you to collect the resources from school so your child can access the same lesson from home.
As always, please be in touch with us if you require any additional support. We are here for you.
Remote teaching and study time each day
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
We expect that remote education (including teaching time, independent work and active tasks) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:
Early Years: Less than 3 hours
Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2): minimum of 3 hours per day on average
Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6): minimum of 4 hours per day on average
Accessing remote education
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?
Pupils in Early Years will continue their usual learning via Tapestry and paper-based tasks.
KS1 pupils will access remote learning via Google Classroom in addition to paper-based learning packs. Intervention materials will be sent for those requiring them.
KS2 pupils will access remote learning via Google Classroom. Learning packs of intervention materials will be sent for those requiring them.
Pupils need to remember to bring their Chromebook into school the days that they are in. Please bear in mind that staff will only be available to respond to messages between the hours of 8am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
Let us know if you require internet access at home so we can apply for access for you. This offer is still open, so call our school office on 0191 6053407 or email if you would like to apply for this. We will then request this for you through the DfE's "Get help with technology" programme.
Many providers are allowing a data increase for home learning on mobile phones, including:
Please get in touch with us if you require more information about this.
We purchased Chromebooks for all KS2 pupils during autumn term 2020. If your child is in KS1 or Early Years and you need access to a device, please call our school office on 0191 6053407 or email and we can arrange one for you. As soon as the devices arrive from the Government we will put these to use in KS1.
Any devices provided by school requires a parent or carer to read, agree and sign a home/school loan agreement. A generic version of this is attached to this document for you to read in advance and for your information in Appendix 1.
If you require printed versions of any of the work to aid with the learning, please get in touch with our school office on 0191 6053407 or email
Work via Google Classroom and Tapestry can be submitted automatically via the program. Some activities that are not screen-based can be submitted by taking a photograph of the completed work using a mobile phone and emailing them directly to the class teacher or to
You may also drop work in to us in an envelope at our office or post completed work to us at:
Wallsend St Peter’s C of E Primary
North Terrace,
Tyne and Wear
NE28 6PY
How will my child be taught remotely?
We will use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
Recorded teaching through teachers recording lessons in advance and posting them on Google Classroom
Some ‘live’ teaching through online lessons via Google Classroom
Recorded teaching through government-approved providers. These include Oak Academy lessons at then selecting the correct year group for your child. BBC are also producing online learning via BBC Bitesize. We will also signpost you to video learning from White Rose which is the maths scheme that we use in school.
Digital books through myON
Printed paper packs produced by school staff
Textbooks and reading books that children have at home
Commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas. These may include video clips
Internet research activities
Spelling Shed
Times Tables Rockstars
Accelerated Reader
Commando Joes
We are also trying to minimise the need for you to print at home, as this isn't always possible and can be expensive. Look at the learning activities set by your child’s class teacher and consider what they can do "offline". We will happily accept photographs and scans if these are easier for you to send to us.
Engagement and feedback
What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
Every week we will have some direct communication with all families, with the expectation that every child will have completed the tasks set.
We expect all pupils to complete the learning tasks that have been set for them by their class teacher by the given time so that our staff can respond to these and plan next learning. Class meetings and catch-up time with the class will be arranged through Google Meet and all pupils are expected to take part in these sessions. Any children not engaging with their teacher or their learning will be telephoned at home so we can see how we can support all pupils to complete their learning tasks.
We would appreciate your support as parents/carers to encourage your child to complete the learning set by their teachers. Many of the tasks will be able to be completed independently by your child but there may be some that require your engagement. These tasks include some intervention materials or phonics activities that we have planned and sent to you to do together with your son or daughter. We have tried to keep these to a minimum as we appreciate that you have your own commitments at home or at work to consider too.
A set routine of times when they should complete their learning is very useful and we would recommend that these are completed during the hours they would usually be at school. This helps to make sure that any learning tasks are completed on time and can be responded to during the staff online hours of 8am to 5pm.
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Children will be set work by their class teacher daily and these need to be completed by the time and date set on the work. Teachers will check daily which pupils have submitted their learning tasks via Google Classroom and will get in touch with you at home if the child is not engaging with these. Parents/carers can expect a telephone call within a couple of days if your child has not submitted their work to the teacher so we can discuss if there has been an issue. If your child is unwell and is unable to complete the work that day please let us know so we know when we can expect them to access their learning again.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:
Personal feedback comments via Google Classroom
Personal feedback comments from emails containing photographic evidence
Verbal feedback as part of live lessons or Google Meets
Staff will endeavour to assess and respond to children’s learning on the day it is submitted where possible. However please be mindful that staff are also managing their own family life and are adapting plans so that they are suitable for home learning too.
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
All pupils who have an EHCP will be offered a place in school with their class teacher and support staff during the national lockdown so their usual support can still be offered daily
Work submitted online will be differentiated so that all individuals are accessing the work that is at their correct level, enabling them to achieve and supporting them to move to the next step of their learning
Learning packs of intervention materials will be sent home and mirror what would be taught in school to support the child’s needs
All staff will be working from school so can be contacted via our school telephone number 0191 6053407 if any parents or carers need any additional advice
Learning packs will be available for younger children that parents/carers can collect from school. These include books, equipment, tasks, reading materials and much more
Remote education for self-isolating pupils
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?
Paper-based learning packs will be produced for you to collect or we will deliver if the household are self-isolating. These will be available the next day after the start of the absence so we have time to put learning packs together. If your child has a Chromebook these can be collected/delivered and work will be available to access via Google Classroom.
There will be a mix of learning from the broad and balanced curriculum that we offer and will follow the sequence that they would follow in school. This will be meaningful learning and will be ambitious so that your child continues to make progress. Feedback will be provided by the class teacher via Google Classroom after the rest of the class have left for the day.
Thank you to all of those who have sent us kind messages of support and thanks for what we are doing. They help us greatly as we try our best for every child in our care.
Remember, we are here to help you. All staff are in school working their usual hours so please get in touch via 0191 6053407 or emailing if you wish to discuss anything with us or if you need any more help. If teachers are teaching when you call they will endeavour to call you back later the same day if you leave your contact details.
Appendix 1: Home/school loan agreement for devices
Wallsend St Peter’s CE Primary School
Device loan agreements for pupils using a loaned school device at home.
1. This agreement is between:
1) Wallsend St Peter’s CE Primary School, North Terrace, Wallsend (“the School”)
2) [Parent Name] of [Address] (“the parent” and “I”)
And governs the use and care of devices assigned to the pupil. This agreement covers the period from the date the device is issued through to the return date of the device to the school.
All issued equipment shall remain the sole property of the school and is governed by the schools ICT policy and should be used in line with the Acceptable use ICT policy for pupils using a loaned school device at home.
The school is issuing the pupil with a device (“the equipment”) for the purpose of doing schoolwork from home during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Damage/loss
By signing this agreement I agree to take full responsibility for the loan equipment issued to the pupil and I have read or heard this agreement read aloud and understand the conditions of the agreement.
I understand that I, and the pupil are responsible for this equipment at all times whether on the school’s property or not.
If the equipment is damaged, lost or stolen, I will immediately inform the school office, and I acknowledge that I am responsible for the reasonable costs requested by the school to repair or replace the equipment. If the equipment is stolen, I will also immediately inform the police and obtain a crime number.
I agree to keep the equipment in good condition and to return it to the school when requested to do so on their demand in the same condition, as it was provided.
I will ensure that my child takes 'reasonable measures' to protect the device from unauthorised loss and access by the following measures:
· Keeping the device in a secure place when not in use
· Don’t leave the device in a car or on show at home
· Don’t eat or drink around the device
· Don’t share the device to other members of the household or friends
· Don’t leave the equipment in unsecured areas
· Do not leave the device unlocked, so others can gain access
· Do not share your username and password for the device
· Be mindful of what you are putting in emails / chats
· Ensure security, by:
1. Keep operating systems up to date - always install the latest updates
2. This device has been activated so that restrictions apply on content unsuitable for children.
3. Unacceptable use
I am aware that the school monitors the pupil’s activity on this device.
I agree that my child will not carry out any activity that constitutes ‘unacceptable use’ and that my child will follow the guidance of the Acceptable use ICT policy for pupils using a loaned school device at home (see Appendix A)
I accept that the school will sanction the pupil, in line with our unreasonable behaviour policy, if the pupil engages in any of the above at any time.
4. Personal use
I agree that the pupil will only use this device for educational purposes and not for personal use and will not loan the equipment to any other person.
5. Data protection
I agree to take the following measures to keep the data on the device protected, and to follow the Acceptable use ICT policy for pupils using a loaned school device at home (see Appendix A)
· Keep the equipment password-protected - strong passwords are at least 8 characters, with a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers and special characters (e.g. asterisk or currency symbol)
· Make sure my child locks the equipment if it’s left inactive for a period of time
· Don’t share the device with other members of the household or friends
· Update antivirus and anti-spyware software as required
· Install the latest updates to operating systems, as prompted
· If the device is lost or stolen, I will inform the school immediately so that the necessary steps can be taken to mitigate a data breach.
If I need help doing any of the above, I will contact the school office on the email
6. Return date
I will return the device in its original condition to the school within 5 days of being requested to do so.
I will ensure the return of the equipment to the school if the pupil no longer attends the school.
7. Consent
I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out in the agreement and my signature confirms that I and the pupil will adhere to the terms of this loan set out above .
By signing this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out above.
Pupils Full Name
Parent / Guardian
Full Name
Parent / Guardian
Signed by Staff Member