Portage and pre-school
The portage and pre-school home teaching service is offered to young children with special needs. The service is available from your child's birth until they join a school-based nursery or reception class. The service can provide early years structured teaching and support parents and carers in promoting their child’s learning and development.
Your Health Visitor will be able to give you more information about this service.
Dene Communication Centre
Dene Communication Centre (DCC), which is part of the authority-wide commissioned Language and Communication Team, is based within Benton Dene Schools.
Dene Communication Centre offers targeted, intensive, multi-agency intervention for nursery aged children who have identified speech, language and communication needs. This is an outreach provision into the child's current nursery setting.
Places are allocated at a termly panel meeting, joint applications are made to this service, with parental consent, by the child’s nursery setting and their Speech and Language Therapist.
Telephone: (0191) 466 1814
Email: languageandcommunicationteam@northtyneside.gov.uk
Website: http://www.bentondeneschools.org.uk/language-and-communication-team/dene...
Special schools cater for students with special educational needs. These may include learning disabilities or physical disabilities. Pupils at a special school have an Education Health and Care Plan.
Additionally Resourced Provision
Some mainstream schools receive additional money to provide places for children and young people with specific special educational needs. This provision is known as Additional Resourced Provision (ARP). Places in ARPS are usually for pupils with an Education, Health Care (EHC) Plan.
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychologists (EPs) are specially trained in assessing children and young people’s educational needs and offering advice on how they can be supported in school. EPs work with individual children, school staff and parents, either individually, in small groups or with whole staff teams. Referrals are usually made by the staff in your child’s school or setting.
Educational Psychology Service
Telephone: (0191) 643 8739
Email: Educational.Psychology@northtyneside.gov.uk
Language and Communication Team
This team is staffed by specialist teachers and specialist support assistants who provide advice, support and teaching strategies for pupils with specific language and communication needs in a variety of educational settings. These include children with social communication difficulties and autism spectrum disorders.
Language and Communication Team
Telephone: (0191) 466 1814
Email: languageandcommunicationteam@northtyneside.gov.uk
Website: www.bentondeneschool.schooljotter2.com/language-and-communication-team
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
North Tyneside Specialist Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides a specialist assessment and treatment service for young people under the age of 18 with a North Tyneside GP that have significant emotional and behavioural difficulties. The referral criteria outlined in this document will enable targeting of clinical resources to those who have the greatest mental health difficulties. All referrals to the service will be considered for suitability and will be contacted by telephone directly. When a referral is not accepted we will aim to offer advice on more appropriate services/interventions to support identified needs/services.
Sensory Service
The Sensory Service at Service at Beacon Hill provides support to children and young people with a visual and/or hearing loss. This support and advice is available from the point of diagnosis through school until the young person leaves education or reaches the age of 25.
Sensory Service
Telephone: (0191) 643 3030
Email: suzanne.monaghan@northtyneside.gov.uk
Website: www.northtynesidesensoryservice.org.uk
Dyslexia Team
The Dyslexia Team is staffed by specialist teachers with post graduate qualifications in Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties. Specialist teachers provide assessment, advice, teaching strategies and targeted resources for pupils in mainstream schools with significant, specific literacy difficulties. The Dyslexia Team provides an advice and consultation service for school staff in special schools and ARPs. This includes access to the team’s training workshops, informal advice and resources to address difficulties with sound awareness, phonics, reading and spelling.
The Dyslexia Team at the Riverside Centre.
Telephone: (0191) 300 0506.
Email: ntdyslexia@southlandsnt.org.uk
Website: www.ntdyslexia.org.uk