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  • Letter from Public Health North Tyneside for children testing positive during half term holiday

    Fri 23 Oct 2020 Miss Bilton

    Dear Parents 


    With the high rates of COVID-19 in North Tyneside currently, we are asking parents to let the school know if their child tests positive for COVID-19 during the half term break. 


    If your son or daughter receives a positive COVID-19 test after Friday 23rd October 2020 please contact the school immediately on 07783871710 and and provide the following information: 


    Name of child 


    Class/year group 


    Date of the COVID-19 test 


    Does the child have symptoms? Yes or No 


    What date did the symptoms start? 


    What date did the child last attend school? 


    It is very important that you provide this information so that the school can identify any close contacts that your son or daughter may have had in school during their infectious period. The school will then follow up close contacts and request that they isolate for 14 days to prevent further transmission of COVID-19.  


    Please note that you should also report any close contacts that your child has had outside the school setting through NHS Test and Trace. 


    Thank you for your help in this matter 


    Yours sincerely 


    Wendy Burke                                     Diane Buckle 

    Director of Public Health                     Assistant Director of Education 


  • Please follow our school one-way system

    Mon 12 Oct 2020 Miss Bilton

    As frustrating as it is, please can I respectfully remind everyone to continue to follow the one-way system we have in place for dropping off and collecting your children. These systems are in place to keep bubbles apart in school and to allow for social distancing to take place. This is essential, especially as cases are rising in the area.


    Parents and carers for pupils in Early Years, Y1 and Y2 must use the path when entering our school grounds and exit through the car park. As our path is narrow, this will ensure that all adults and children are walking in the same direction and not passing each other closely. Please maintain adequate social distance between your family and other families nearby.


    Parents and carers for pupils in Y3 - Y6 need to enter the school grounds using the top gate, follow the one-way system and exit through the gate directly onto North Terrace. Again, this will ensure that adults and children are walking in the same direction and not passing each other closely. Please maintain adequate social distance between your family and other families nearby.


    Please can I remind you to enter by the correct entrance only as we need to keep everyone at a safe social distance. 


    As North Terrace is extremely busy with lots of traffic, you will need to walk round to collect your child. Any children who will be leaving the exit gate onto North Terrace without an adult with them from the one-way system will be released only after all other children have been collected. This is so that we can watch carefully and keep them safe.


    Thank you for your cooperation during this time.
