In RE we encourage children to develop an understanding of living world religion and consider the impact and culture in Britain and globally . It is a safe space to discuss and have reflective conversations through enquiry-based questions and thought-provoking activities. The children are encouraged to explore and develop their understanding of world religions and reflect upon their own beliefs and actions. We ensure that the pupils flourish through the provision of high quality religious education reflecting the Church of England Statement of Entitlement.
Our focus includes character development, enabling each pupil to be the person that God created them to be, whilst encouraging personal aspiration for each child to want to be the best that they can be. As a school we encourage hope for others in our local community and beyond and we teach the children to be courageous advocates for change.
Our RE curriculum encourages pupils to develop curiosity through questioning and using spiritual vocabulary. This is explored through:
Windows: opportunities to look out on the world and gaze in wonder; the things we find amazing and that bring us up short.
Mirrors: opportunities to reflect, to look inward and to consider some of the big questions in life: to explore our own insights and those of others.
Doors: opportunities to do something creative that expresses our own thoughts and convictions.
RE at Wallsend St Peter's focuses on the following: