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Safeguarding Children at Wallsend St Peter’s C of E Primary School


St Peter’s fully recognises the responsibility it has to have arrangements about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.


We recognise that a significant aspect of safeguarding is attendance, we promote good attendance routines for all of our learners and will regularly have positive conversations with our community about attendance. 


We take a range of actions to ensure that children are safe and we comply with the Local Authority’s policies and procedures around safe practices for Health and Safety.


With this in mind, we respectfully ask parents to only access school buildings via the main school office. If you have an appointment to meet with a member of staff, please sign in at the school office and you will be escorted to the appropriate room.


If you have any concerns around safeguarding such as online safety or additional concerns that we need to be made aware of please speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Gittins (Executive Headteacher) Mr Dey - Deputy Headteacher


Mrs Gulzar (Attendance and Pastoral Lead), Miss Matthews (Team Leader), Mrs Brabbs (EYFS Lead) Miss Edokpayi (Class Teacher and KS2 Lead) are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.


Our Safeguarding Governor can be contacted via the school office on 0191 605 3407. 


Operation Encompass

We are proud to be an Operation Encompass school. This means that we will receive information from Northumbria Police if there has been a reported domestic abuse incident that the children may have seen, heard or been part of. This can be distressing for the child, but by receiving this information early the next morning we can support your child in school in the best way possible.


County Lines information for parents and carers
