BINGO in school soon.
Please check the 5.5.23 newsletter for more information and keep an eye out on SchoolPING for further information.
Tickets now available from the office for just £1!
Welcome to the PTA section of our website.
We managed to raise £933.17 at this year's summer fayre.
Money will be used to help fund trips and visitors - all going towards giving the children the best experiences possible.
What does PTA do?
PTA offers you the chance to get involved with your child’s school by taking part in a range of activities while also raising money. We usually meet at least a couple of times a term to discuss forthcoming events.
Who can join the PTA?
Everyone who has a child in school is automatically a member.
How do I get involved?
Contact Catherine Macmillan or ask at the Main Office (0191 605 3407) to be put in touch. We have regular meetings throughout the year in which school representatives attend.
I can’t volunteer on a regular basis – I don’t have time?
Most people are in the same boat! But it doesn’t matter – any help you can offer will be of value. There will always be something you can do – even if you can’t help on a regular basis.
How much of my time will it take up?
It depends on you. An occasional helper can do as little or as much as they like e.g. selling Raffle Tickets, running a stall at a Fayre or even taking on a larger role by organising an event.
PLEASE try to support the PTA, the more parents who take an active part the better it is for your child’s school.