An educational overnight trip to London for Y5 and Y6 from Thursday 6th June to Friday 7th June 2019 has been arranged and excitement is hotting up. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to spend two full days in the capital, enhancing their learning for the summer term topics.
The plan is to enjoy the Harry Potter tour at the Warner Bros studios, go to the Natural History Museum and enjoy a ride on the London Eye. Further details are included in the letter which I can print off for you again if you wish.
Mrs Elliott and I will both be definitely accompanying the pupils on this trip along with up to four additional staff depending on how many children are able to go. Two of these will also be first-aiders.
We will have a meeting nearer the time to give precise details and answer any questions about this visit to London but please pop in to make an appointment to see me if you need any more information in the meantime.
Please can we have the £25 non-refundable deposit and permission form by Monday 11th February so that we can book the exact numbers. Thank you.