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We are very aware that some of your children have grown considerably since they were last in school therefore their uniform might not fit when they return in September.

In agreement with the Governors, we can be flexible about children wearing school uniform until you have had opportunities to buy new uniform if you need to. They should wear this as soon as possible because this helps children to settle back into the school routines easier. If their old uniform still fits then this is fine to wear.

All pupils must wear full school uniform again from October half term although September would be better if you are able to. Details of our uniform can be found on our website or in our prospectus and can be bought through Emblematic.

Pre-owned uniform that we have in school will be freshly laundered over the holidays and will be available to buy at low prices in September.

The days that your child has PE they must come to school wearing their PE kit. This will reduce the need for staff to be close to younger children to help them with tricky buttons etc. The timetable for this will be sent out in the detailed plans next week so that you know which days PE kit should be worn. Pupils can wear plain black or plain red jackets or hoodies for travelling to school on these days but only if they do not have any logos other than our school logo.

As always, please telephone or email to speak with me if you have any questions about this.

Thank you.
