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School reopening next week

These are our updated plans for everyone returning to school in September. They will be reviewed and updated if guidance changes.


To comply with the Government’s directive that all primary schools must reopen fully from September 2020 we have made the following changes to our school so that we can make it as safe as possible. All pupils are expected to return to school in September and any exceptions must be discussed with both school and the Local Authority so that we can get your child back into school as soon as possible. The Government have directed schools and the Local Authority to send fines to families not attending school. Please give us a call on 0191 6053407 if you have any concerns you wish to discuss with us because we want to work closely with you to avoid this. 


Children return to school on 2nd September  

All classes in primary schools can now form their own class bubbles and some year group bubbles. Staggered start, finish, breaktimes, lunchtimes and outdoor activities are planned so these bubbles do not mix. Early Years will form their own joint bubble so Nursery and Reception pupils can work together and share equipment. We recognise that younger children struggle to maintain social distancing but they will not need to do this if they stay only with their class bubble. 


Early Years staff will be in touch to let parents and carers know how we are managing these children returning to school. All other classes must return on 2nd September. 


Tables and chairs in all classrooms from Y2 – Y6 will be positioned facing the front in rows or a horseshoe shape so that no children are directly facing each other. Early Years and Y1 will focus on continuous provision so their classrooms will be set out in a more relaxed way. This is better suited to their age and educational needs. The classroom windows and internal doors will be open in all classrooms to allow ventilation.  


All children need to bring a water bottle filled from home because the water fountains are turned off. Water bottles will be refilled from the taps in the classroom sinks that have been tested and approved as safe drinking water if needed during the school day. 


Staggered starts and finish times 

Children in each year group will attend with staggered start and finish times in the first instance but this will be reviewed in line with Government guidance. This will also help with keeping everyone socially distant on the school site and at the gate. Please can we remind parents and carers to not congregate on our school site or at the gate at any time. Any parent/carer not socially distancing may be refused further access to the school site.  It is important that families socially distance so we can prevent the spread of infection. Please can we ask you to drop off and pick up at the following times only so that classes are not mixing. 


Nursery with Miss McFarlane and Mrs Kendall = 8:45am drop-off and 11:45am collection from the side walkway and EY quad area. 3:15pm finish for Nursery pupils accessing 30-hours provision. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


Reception with Mrs Phillips and Mrs Young = 8:55am drop-off and 3:15pm collection from the side walkway and EY quad area. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


Y1 with Miss Smith and Mrs Carr = 9:05am drop-off and 3:25pm collection from the green gate at the side walkway in front of school. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


Y2 with Mrs Elliott and Miss Ainsley = 9:15am drop-off and 3:35pm collection from the KS1 support room. Please leave via the car park so nobody passes on the narrow path. 


Y3 with Mr Piper and Mrs Roberts = 8:45am drop-off and 3:15pm collection from the KS2 yard directly into the Y3 classroom. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


Y4 with Miss Hancock and Mrs Jasper = 8:55am drop-off and 3:25pm collection from the KS2 yard. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


Y5 with Miss Edokpayi and Mrs McMeekin = 9:05am drop-off and 3:35pm collection from the KS2 yard. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


Y6 with Mr Chapman and Mrs McGinley = 9:15am drop-off and 3:45pm collection from the KS2 yard directly into the Y6 classroom. Please leave via the exit gate onto North Terrace. 


For families with more than one child in school and those who are critical workers who need to get to work, TAs will be available in the classrooms from 8:45am to supervise any children who arrive earlier than their class time. However, children will not be able to be collected earlier than their allocated class finishing time because they must have their full teaching and learning time in school. This is a directive from the Government. 


Any vulnerable parents can contact the Head Teacher to discretely arrange a different drop-off and pick-up time so your child can attend safely. 


Travelling to and from school 

All pupils must be brought to school and collected by only one adult each day to reduce the number of people on site and to reduce mixing with pupils in other class bubbles. If pupils in Y5 or Y6 want to travel to and from school without adult supervision, please email us at so that we have your consent to do this. They must be reminded to stay socially distanced from others. 


If you use public transport to get to school (e.g. bus or Metro) then face coverings should be worn by people over the age of 11. If you could avoid travelling on public transport during ‘peak times’ this would be beneficial if possible. Hands must be washed after touching or removing face coverings. We suggest that walking or cycling to school would be healthier and safer if you live close enough to school. Alternatively, advice is to travel to school in your own family car if you have one. 


Breakfast club and after-school clubs 

Breakfast club staff will make toast every morning and will deliver it to all classrooms on paper plates for easy disposal. Toast and a piece of fruit will be at every child’s desk for them to eat as they come into school at their start time because we cannot yet have our usual breakfast club. The reason for this is that breakfast club would mean mixing class bubbles together which is not yet safe. This will be reviewed at October half term. 


There will be no after-school clubs on our school premises because we cannot yet mix class bubbles together safely. This will also be reviewed at October half term. We apologise if this causes any difficulties for working parents but we must do everything we can to keep all pupils and staff as safe as possible. 



Hot lunches will be cooked in our kitchen, placed into special disposable boxes with disposable cutlery and delivered to the classrooms by our lunchtime supervisors for those who are entitled to FSM and those who pay for school lunches. Lunches can be paid via Joinos for pupils in KS2 who do not qualify for free school meals. Please ask at our office for more details of this. If children bring a packed lunch from home it must be in fully disposable packaging and cannot return home. We cannot yet mix pupils together to have lunch in the school hall and we would not have time to deep clean it after every class, so classrooms will be used for eating in the first instance. All classes will also spend time outside during their lunch break too. 


First aid and illness  

All trained staff will administer first-aid as normal, and forms must continue to be completed for all medication that you would like us to give in school. Parents/carers may enter the initial reception area of school only to complete medical forms if medication is to be issued in school, and must remain behind the glass screens. All adults must wear a face mask within our school building if you are entering to complete a medical form.


If your child has symptoms of Covid-19 they should not come to school and you should arrange for them to have a test as soon as possible. The symptoms currently are a new, continuous cough, loss of taste or smell or a high temperature. Please let us know the reason why your child is absent from school during the morning or at your earliest opportunity. 


If your child becomes ill during the school day you will be contacted and your child must be collected immediately. This will remain our right to do this so we can keep pupils and staff as safe as possible. Any pupil or staff member who shows any Covid-19 symptoms will be sent home and told to have the test and self-isolate. While waiting for results, the rest of the group will not be isolated, but we will make sure in school that the class bubble is supervised and maintained. 


Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to school (if they feel well and no longer have symptoms similar to COVID-19) and no further action is required. If they test positive, they must isolate for 10 days following the result. Public Health and NHS Track and Trace will inform school of the actions they need to take and we will keep parents and carers of children in that class bubble informed. 


Paper towels will remain available at all sinks and people encouraged to use these to dry their hands rather than the drier. The hand driers will continue to be turned off. 


During sunny weather please apply sunscreen to your child at home before coming to school because we will be using the outdoors at various times throughout the day. 



We will continue with our strict hand-washing routines to keep everyone as safe as possible. As pupils enter school they will go straight to the nearest sink to their classroom to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. During their time in school they will be taken every hour to wash their hands with soap and water and every time they cough or sneeze. When snacks and lunches are eaten, hand-washing will take place before and after this happens and once they have finished playing with any shared equipment they will wash their hands too. All children will wash their hands with soap and water before they leave school at the end of the day, before they go outside for break and when they return inside. Hand sanitizers and tissues are available at all entrances, the main hall and in all classrooms for use by all pupils and staff to use. We will continue to encourage pupils to use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin it, kill it’).  


Contact with school and the main school office 

Parents/carers still cannot come beyond the school entrance, so please can we encourage you to communicate only via telephone 0191 6053407 , email  and post at our school address until further notice. If you wish to speak with the class teacher or Head Teacher, please make an appointment where this can take place via telephone after school.  


Office staff will not take in any bags, drinks or packed lunches to pass to children, so we can avoid any cross-contamination. Please do not ask them to do this, thank you. 


Children will not be able to bring mobile phones to school at all as they cannot continue to be stored in a shared box during the day and cannot be kept in the child’s school bag or coat pocket for safeguarding reasons. 


Uniform and PE kit 

Pupils are encouraged to wear uniform as soon as possible in September, but flexibility will be given to allow you the opportunity to buy it. Uniform will be compulsory from October half term. Pre-owned uniform left in school will be freshly laundered over the holidays and will be available to buy from school at low prices in September. Please get in touch with us if you would like any more information about this. 


On the days that the class has PE, pupils will come to school in their PE kit that day so that we can reduce contact with helping children to get dressed/undressed. Children will not be able to ‘borrow’ PE kit from school either. For this reason, we will allow black or red jackets/hoodies and black jogging bottoms to be worn on cold days for travelling to school and PE outdoors, but only if they are plain and do not have any logo other than our school logo. Trainers may also be worn rather than plimsolls because they are more sturdy for travelling to and from school. We will post the PE days on our school website so that you know which days to wear PE kit. 


Please note that long hair should be tied up so that children are not tempted to touch their face. No jewellery can be worn to school, including earrings. These must be removed before your child arrives at school otherwise you will be contacted and must to come to school to remove the jewellery and take it home. This is to keep all children and staff safe. 


Current guidance about wearing face coverings in primary schools still states that they are not worn by children under the age of 12. If children wear them to travel to school they must be placed in a plastic bag and hands washed thoroughly when they arrive. We are constantly reviewing all government guidance and will let you know if this changes. 


Reading books and stationery 

From September reading books will be sent home every Monday to be read during the week. These must be returned by Friday and placed in the box outside of the classroom so that they can remain untouched over the weekend. 


Please do not send pencil cases into school with your child. We will provide a pencil case full of stationery for your child to use in school so they are not sharing pencils etc. 


Outdoor and sports equipment 

Outdoor play equipment will be timetabled for use by one class for the whole of the day then cleaned at the end of the day for the next class to use the next day. Sports equipment will be thoroughly cleaned after use or left for 72 hours untouched. All classes will have a small amount of play equipment for only their class to use at breaks and lunchtimes. 


What to expect in class in September 

For the first few weeks in September each class will focus heavily on nurture activities, managing and settling pupils back into school routines and behaviour. We will start curriculum learning when we feel that the children are ready. Reading will be done as often as possible in different ways in school and we ask that pupils read regularly at home too. This will prepare them for wider curriculum learning quickly. 



Surfaces that children are touching, such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks and toilets will be cleaned more regularly than normal. Each night a deep clean will take place of all frequently touched areas and equipment in school. 


As always, if you have any questions about any of this information, please give us a call on 0191 6053407 or email where we will help you as much as possible. 
