Everyone is very excited about the High Borrans trip starting on Friday this week. So far it is still able to go ahead and I will let you know any changes if they happen.
I'd just like to share the following reminders ahead of the trip:
- Please send a packed lunch with a drink (not fizzy) for your child on Friday
- No other food can be brought from home
- Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed
- A small amount of money can be brought to spend at the High Borrans shop on Sunday night (no more than £10). They will not be able to buy anything at the service station.
- Children must be in school on Friday at their usual time and will leave their cases in the hall while they are in class. They do not need to wear school uniform but must wear comfortable clothes for travelling and will need a coat with them
- The coach will leave school at 10am on Friday. You may come back to school to wave them off if you wish but you will not be able to wait in school from drop-off time
- We will update you during the weekend twice per day via SchoolPing
- Photographs will be shared of those who have ticked to give permission (Wifi permitting) during the weekend, but all photographs will be uploaded onto our school website in the 'children' section after the trip is finished
- On Monday we will inform you at lunchtime what time the coach is due to arrive back at school, depending on traffic. All children from the trip must be collected by an adult
- Please can all pupils attending the trip take an LFD test on either Thursday night or Friday morning. If this shows 'positive' please keep your child at home and send us proof of the positive result so we can arrange for your money to be returned to you. Proof of the positive result is essential before any money can be repaid. All pupils also should take another LFD test when they return home.
The staff accompanying the trip are Miss Edokpayi, Mr Dey, Mrs McGinley and Mrs Hunter. Please ensure that all medication that your child needs for the weekend is given to one of these staff in advance. Two inhalers or Epi-pens are essential for those who need them, so there is a spare in case of emergency.
In the meantime if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. Thank you