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Looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school

After many months of only having small numbers of pupils in school the staff and I are really looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to school next week. We have spent time deep-cleaning all areas, preparing new displays and setting up the classrooms ready for whole classes returning. The most exciting part has been preparing learning so that we can ease all children back into school routines as easily as possible and begin learning again. Class bubbles will remain together with the teacher and teaching assistant and all support will be provided by these two staff to reduce mixing with other bubbles. Collective worship will take place in the classroom with some via Zoom on the interactive whiteboard so we can have whole school celebration assemblies together virtually. 


The Government have declared that attending school from next week is mandatory and that Local Authorities will be issuing fines for children not attending. I really want to work with you to avoid you being fined so please be in touch if you have any concerns or issues about your child attending school.


Unfortunately parents/carers are not allowed to enter the school building again yet as we must keep social distancing where possible. If you need to speak with any member of staff please be in contact by telephoning 0191 6053407 or email


Please remember to check the plans for the start and finish times for your child, plus the doors/yard which they must use as some of these have been changed to keep social distancing possible. We have a one-way system in place so please drop off your child and then leave our premises immediately so that we do not have anyone congregating. Thank you.


We are fully aware that many of you will be concerned about safety, but please read our plans which are published on this website which will hopefully put your minds at rest. We have followed all guidance from the Government plus we have adapted things to suit the needs of our school so that class bubbles will not mix with others and your children will be as safe as possible. 


Hot meals will still be available every day although there will not be as much choice for the first few weeks. The menu for the first two weeks back includes things like pizza, chips, sausage in a bun, tomato pasta etc. There will also be salad, fruit and bread available every day plus a tasty dessert. All children will be given toast and a piece of fruit when they arrive in school each morning if they wish, as we are not able to have breakfast club yet. If your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be in disposable packaging which must be thrown away at school. Your child must bring their own water bottle to school every day and this will return home every evening.


By October half term all children must attend in full school uniform again. For these first few weeks we can be flexible on uniform to give you opportunities to buy it, but if children can wear uniform as soon as possible that would help them to settle into the school routine again easier.


On the days that your child has PE they must come to school wearing their PE kit or clothes suitable for PE e.g. dark jogging bottoms, t-shirt and sweatshirt/hoodie. These must be plain and not have any other logos attached, other than our school logo. We will send home a PE timetable with your child during the first three days at school.


Finally, we have some exciting news about something starting in our school later in September which all classes will be involved with for the rest of the year. I will let you know more details once we have launched it with the pupils first, but it will be awesome!


Staff are in school for training on Tuesday if you wish to be in touch, otherwise we look forward to welcoming you all back from Wednesday 2nd September. If your child is in Nursery or Reception they will have different times to be in school during the first week so please check your information from Miss McFarlane or Mrs Phillips, or give us a call on Tuesday.


Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!
