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Children returning to school

Thank you to all parents and carers for keeping socially distanced from others and for dropping off and collecting your children from school at the right time for their group. This helps us with managing staggered start and finish times so that bubbles are not mixing with others. A quick reminder of times for each group are as follows:

  • Mr Chapman's group = 9:00am drop-off and 2:45pm collection Monday to Thursday. Fridays collected at 12:00pm. This group is at maximum capacity with Y6 pupils.


  • Miss Edokpayi and Miss Hancock's groups = 9:15am drop-off and 3:00pm collection Monday to Thursday. Fridays collected at 12:15pm. These groups are mixed Y6 and Y5 pupils. Both groups are doing the same work which the teachers planned together.


  • Miss Smith and Mr Piper's groups = 9:30am drop-off and 3:15pm collection Monday to Thursday. Fridays collected at 12:30pm. These groups are both Y1 pupils who have been split into smaller groups to be safer.  Both groups are doing the same work which the teachers planned together.


  • Mrs Phillips' group = 9:15am drop-off and 3:00pm collection Monday to Thursday. Fridays collected at 12:15pm. This group has only Reception pupils attending.


Please can I remind you that bags, mobile phones and other things from home are not permitted in school. We only ask that your child brings a filled water bottle from home each day. Children are provided with a school packed lunch. If you do send in a lunch with your child, it must be in fully disposable packaging that will not return home.


Now that bubbles in Reception, Y1, Y5 and Y6 are set, we cannot take any more children into these existing groups because we need to make sure that pupils are not mixing with others. This will help to reduce any viruses from spreading. This will be reviewed following further updates from the Government.


If you are a key worker your child is welcome any time into our key worker groups. Please let us know in advance if your child is attending so that we can have age-related activities prepared and we know how many staff are needed. The key worker group is now led by Miss McFarlane and Mrs Carr every day. They have some time each morning working through their home learning packs and lots of opportunities to play, exercise and complete crafts throughout the day. This group runs from 9:00am to 3:30pm every day but you may collect earlier if you wish.
