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  • Update

    Mon 11 May 2020 Miss Bilton

    Last night the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that they are aiming for children in Reception, Y1 and Y6 to possibly be able to come into school from 1st June, with other year groups coming in soon after. He indicated that more information will be sent to schools this week. 

    As teachers we cannot wait to see our pupils again and teach them in our lovely school, but only when we can be sure that it is safe to do so. Please be reassured that we will not take any risks to the safety of any of our pupils, staff or parents/carers. Once we receive more information from the government our school leadership team and governors will have virtual meetings to begin planning how we can have more pupils in school safely. We will share these plans with you once we can be certain that we can create a safe learning environment for your children. We will continue to put work on our class pages for your children to access at home and please follow the links to Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize which have lessons for all ages.

    In the meantime we continue to be open every day for childcare for the children of workers whose jobs are critical to the Covid-19 response as our staff are working in school on a rota system. If you are a critical worker and your child cannot be looked after safely at home, please get in touch to book your child a place in school so we can make sure that we have enough staff available. Thank you.
