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Temporary changes to collection and drop-off in Early Years and KS1

Over the holiday week a bees nest has appeared along the path that our Early Years, Y1 and Y2 children use during collection and drop-off times. We are waiting for the Local Authority environment team to come out and attempt to relocate it to a safer space. In the meantime I don't want any of our pupils or parents to be stung so we will need to change our collection and drop-off arrangements until it is safe to use this other path again. From tomorrow please use the following directions for Early Years and KS1:


Early Years - enter the KS2 yard, walk past the Y6 classroom and go through the gate at the end of the school building, through the KS1 yard and the EY staff will welcome the children into school in the doors they use for the outdoor play area. Parents/carers will need to leave back through the KS2 yard again and out onto North Terrace from the side gate. 

Y1 & Y2 - enter the KS2 yard and the teachers will meet you near the football goals. You will line up in your classes and parents/carers will leave via the KS2 yard onto North Terrace from the side gate.


These arrangements will be the same at pick-up time too. Please remember to stay socially distant and to wear a face covering on our school premises so we can keep each other safe. Thank you.


Start and finish times are exactly the same as they have been all year. Please check on our website if you are unsure.


There are no changes to any KS2 classes.


We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but keeping everyone safe is our main priority as always. As soon as it is safe to use the EY and KS1 path again we will be back in touch to let you know.


Staff will be at the entrances tomorrow to help if you need any guidance. 
Thank you.
