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Preparing plans for September

As you all know, the Government sent us plans for school reopening fully to all pupils in September. As a leadership team we are meeting regularly to create plans and robust risk assessments to keep all pupils and staff as safe as possible. These plans will hopefully be ready to share with you on this website next week.


The DfE and Public Health England expect us to still have 'bubbles' in place, but these can now be the size of a full class because the risk of infection nationally is now considered to be extremely low. From September, each class will form a 'bubble' who will stay together and have separate start and finish times. To help with this, each class will have a designated teacher and a teaching assistant who will work with children only from their designated class.


We are in the process of employing a teacher for the autumn term who will teach classes during the staff PPA time. All teachers are entitled to this time out of class to plan, prepare and assess but we felt it important to have a consistent member of staff who will teach these set times each week. This will provide stability for the children, plus the new teacher will be a specialist so the pupils will have enhanced teaching in those subjects. I will introduce you to them as soon as this is confirmed.


Staggered start and finish times are a requirement in Government guidance so we have arranged for these to be in place from Wednesday 2nd September when the pupils return. These are available in our latest newsletter which has gone online today and will also be included in our detailed plans that will be published next week.


I will hopefully be in a position to share the detailed plans with you early next week and look forward to having all pupils back in school in September. We have missed them so much!
