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Important ... Summer holidays provision

As part of the Wallsend Partnership of schools, Wallsend Children's Community and Wallsend Action for Youth, plans are being made for some provision for Wallsend families over the summer holidays. I will keep you updated about this when I hear more. Our school will not be open during the summer holidays because we will be busy getting everything prepared ready for all pupils returning in September. We also have some contractors carrying out work in school over this time to make our school even better for when you return. We will close from Friday 17th July and will reopen to pupils on Wednesday 2nd September 2020.


In the meantime, parents who are critical workers can find information about day-care nurseries, childminders, out of school clubs and other childcare providers that remain open and have capacity at the following link. These cover the age range from babies to 12 years old.


