On Friday the Department for Education released an update about the children of key/critical workers attending school. They added a line saying the following “but parents and carers should keep their children at home if they can”.
The guidance to parents and carers in turn now says the following:-
“Children and young people are eligible to attend school or college if:
‘At least one parent or carer is a critical worker, and they can’t keep their child at home. Critical workers are those whose work is critical to the coronavirus (COVID- 19) and EU transition response’ “
Please consider this when requesting a place in school for your child. We need to limit the number of households mixing together and only offer places in school for children who meet the criteria above or children who are vulnerable. If it is possible for you to keep your child at home this would be the safest option. The new strain of the coronavirus is more easily transmissible so it is important that we keep everyone as distant as possible.
Staff upload learning every day to Google Classroom which needs to be submitted for assessing by the class teacher and feedback will be sent home. This is the same work that pupils are accessing in school.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our whole school community safe.