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Update, including breakfast club

Once I have final confirmation from the Governing Body I will be able to share our plans with you all. This will hopefully be early next week.

I just want to reassure you all that school will only reopen to pupils when the scientific evidence says that it is safe to do so and everything on our risk assessment can be safely managed. We will post updates on this website and will text all parents of pupils in Reception, Y1 and Y6 to let you know when it is safe for your children to return to school.

Please note that from 1st June we will not be able to have breakfast club or after-school clubs because all pupils will be placed into groups called 'social bubbles'. Those social bubbles will not mix with other bubbles so we can minimise the risk of spreading the virus. The details of this will be in the plans I will share next week.

As always, please be in touch with us if you have any questions and we will hopefully be able to help you.

Take care and stay safe
