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Thank you parents and carers

I just wanted to say a huge "thank you" to the parents and carers who have helped their children to settle into a new school routine so quickly. All children who have returned have been dropped off and collected at the correct times and this has helped to stagger the number of adults and children on the yard at any one time. You have all followed our advice about water bottles etc and we are very grateful for working with us. Thank you also to those parents and carers working with their children at home. We appreciate that this is hard and are grateful for everything that you are doing.


Thank you very much for everyone's patience, understanding and cooperation during these unprecedented times. As a school, we have been informed of Government directives at the same time as you have, which has then often left a very short time to plan and get all safety measures in place. The staff have been amazing and have worked very hard to ensure that everything was set up and safe before any children returned to school. They are still putting work online for home learning while also teaching a bubble of children in school all day, often with children they have never taught.


Teamwork at Wallsend St Peter's has been tremendous during these past few months and we are looking forward to continuing to work closely with all you all as we wait to discover the Government's plans for September.
