Our PTA and staff have spent a long time preparing for the summer fayre so we hope that you can join us on Wednesday. We have stalls selling things that your children have made, games, tombola, raffle, refreshments (in Y6 classroom), face-painting, sweets and the ice-cream van. We also have a huge inflatable slide this year and a coach from NUFC who will be in the goal for children to try to score a penalty against. Staff from Greggs are taking part in a 10 mile sponsored walk during that day to raise extra funds for our breakfast club so that it remains free. This will also end at our school in time for the fayre and they are bringing the Greggs mascot too. Please make them feel welcome as they will have had a tiring day while raising money for our school. All we need now is good weather! If it is raining, we will move as much as possible indoors so the fayre can still go ahead.
We would love it if you could join us for this fun event and help us to raise funds towards new things and trips for your children in school. The fayre will be open from 3pm until 4:30pm and if you wish, you may collect your child at the following door from 3pm to go into the fayre which will take place on our KS2 yard and Y6 classroom:
Early Years from their usual door in the Early Years quad
Y1 & Y2 from the fire door in their classrooms (this is from the path leading to the EY)
Y3 & Y4 from the Y3 fire door on the KS2 yard
Y5 from the fire door in their classroom (on the main path towards the entrance to school)
Y6 will all help by setting up and serving on stalls/activities so will not be available to be collected until 3:25pm when all other children have been collected and school staff can take over the stall.
Please can I remind you all to be patient when collecting your child as the staff will have to mark them off on the register when they are collected by an adult and it will be very busy. Aggression or violence towards staff will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the premises if any staff or PTA are threatened in any way and Northumbria Police may be called. This is to maintain safety for all pupils and staff in school.
If you are unable to collect your child for the summer fayre they will remain safely in the classroom with school staff and may be collected at 3:20pm in EY & KS1 or 3:25pm in KS2 as normal.
If you have any questions about the fayre, please come to speak with a member of the PTA or myself. We hope to have a very successful afternoon and thank you all for your continuing support.