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Reception, Y1 and Y6 news

As we plan for school reopening to pupils in Reception, Y1 and Y6 from next week we have to follow Government guidelines. As I have previously said, we will respect the decision that you make whether you send your children back to school this term or not. It has to be the right decision for you and your family. Please be reassured that there will not be any fines for non-attendance.


From the start date for your child's class we have been instructed to be in contact every day with all families of children in Reception, Y1 and Y6 who choose not to return to school. Please be reassured that we have to follow this guidance from the Government and we are not doing this to put you under any pressure. If you could call us every day that your child is not in school to just confirm that they are at home with you that would be great, but if not, we will telephone you daily.


Children cannot be added to social bubbles once these have been set but if you choose to send your child in to school then change your mind after a few days/weeks and keep them at home instead that is fine. Please just keep us informed.


Thank you for your ongoing cooperation with this during very unprecedented times. As always, please feel free to give us a call if you wish to discuss any of this.

Take care and stay safe

Miss Bilton
