Dear Parents/Carers,
We have decided to postpone our Big Brew Coffee Morning on Thursday 9th March due to the fact that classes are out of school at various events this week and will be unable to make enough cakes etc to sell. The diary is quite full for this half term so we are just going to concentrate on our Easter Fayre fundraising event. We ask if you can help with donations to our RAFFLE, EASTER CHOCOLATE TOMBOLA & WINE STALL.
We have RAFFLE TICKETS if you are able to help with the selling of them, 50p per ticket, please see PTA members, Mrs Donald or Mrs Gardner or ask at the office.
We would like the children to donate Easter themed Jam Jars filled with Easter treats or wrapped chocolates. There will be a competition to see which class can collect the most Jam Jars.
Again this year we will be having a decorate an Easter Bonnet & Egg competition, details to follow nearer the time.
On behalf of
Parents Teachers Association